Vakantie in Bangladesh - Reisinformatie over Bangladash.
Volksrepubliek Bangladesh - Volksrepubliek Bangladesh - het vroegere Oost-Pakistan
Bangladesh ligt
ten noorden van de Golf van Bengalen en omvat voornamelijk de delta van de rivier de Ganges [ andere rivieren Brahmaputra, Jamuna en Karnaphuli ]
Onderverdeeld in: Chittagong, Dhaka, Khulna, Rajshahi
Steden in Bangladesh : Barisal, Chittagong, Comilla, Khulna, Mymensingh, Rajshani, Rangpur, Sylhet, Tungi
Hoofdstad van Bangladash: Dhaka
autoverhuur, hotels, reisbureaus, reisgidsen, reizen naar bangladesh
Bangladesh Parjatan Corporation (BPC), a government organization, has a fleet of air-conditioned and
non air-conditioned cars, microbuses and jeeps. Besides they offer transfer service for tourists between Dhaka airport and main city points or hotels.
Hotels in Bangladesh / Hostels
Nationale Parken in Bangladesh
National park and game sanctuary at Madhupur
Sunderbarns - zuidwestelijke deel van Bangladesh, in het district van Groot-Khulna
The Sundarbans is a cluster of islands with an approximate area of 6000 sq. km. forming the largest block of littoral forests. It's beauty lies in its unique natural surrounding. Thousands of meandering streams, creeks,
rivers and estuaries have enhanced its charm. Sundarbans meaning beautiful forest is the natural habital of
the world famous Royal Bengal Tiger, spotted deer, crocodiles, jungle fowl, wild boar, lizards, theses monkey
and an innumerable variety of beautiful birds. Migratory flock of Siberian ducks flying over thousands of sail
boats loaded with timber, golpatta (round-leaf), fuel wood, honey, shell and fish further add to the serene natural beauty of the Sundarbans.
Reisbureaus / Reisorganisaties
responsibletravel.com - Adventure holidays
A.o : Dhaka to Delhi rail journey: Travelling on a network that carries a staggering 10 million people every day,
this incredible rail journey travels from the plains of Bangladesh into the Himalaya. You encounter pilgrims on
their spiritual journeys to the most holiest of places in India, whilst passing through the wonderfully contrasting scenery of Northern India.
Skedaddle - Fietsvakanties in Bangladesh
Saddle Skedaddle offer a unique range of cycling holidays and mountain biking holidays. It doesn't matter if
you are a regular or an infrequent cyclist, travelling on your own or with friends or family we take care of the details, leaving you to have fun and enjoy the great experiences on offer.
Inkomend toerisme Bangladesh
Greenchannel [ in Chittagong ] Extensive selection of tours of Bangladesh include places such as Dhaka (Dacca), Cox's bazar, Rangamati,
Mahastangarh, Bogra, Bagerhat, Chittagong, Sylhet, Sunderbans, Mongla en Paharpur
Travel Bangladesh [ Dhaka ] - gespecialiseerd in reizen en expedities in Bangladesh
Reisgidsen Bangladesh / Reisliteratuur
Bruna -
Beeldschoon Bangladesh - Peter de Ruiter
In het fotoboek Beeldschoon Bangladesh geeft reisfotograaf Peter de Ruiter in meer dan 400 schitterende
foto's een actueel beeld van het land en zijn inwoners. De nadruk ligt op kinderen, want de opbrengst van het
boek komt ten goede aan de kinderen van Bangladesh, via Unicef en andere hulporganisaties. Paperback | 151 Pagina's | Uitgeverij Elmar | 2006; ISBN10: 9038917244 | ISBN13: 9789038917245.
Landkaart - wegenkaart 5. India - Noord-Oost & Bangladesh - Nelles maps
Reisgids Bangladesh - Bradt guides
Reisgids Lonely Planet Bangladesh - Lonely Planet
Wegenkaart - landkaart Bangladesh - ITMB
Vervoer / Hoe reis ik naar Bangladash
Luchthaven Dhaka [ IATA: DAC, ICAO: VGZR ] - Zie International Airport
het vliegveld ligt ca. 20 km ten noorden van Dhaka.
Andere internationale luchthavens: Syhlet [ Osmani International Airport ] en Chittagong [ Shah Amanat Int´l Airport ]
Losse vliegtickets - Vliegen Bangladesh / Prijsvergelijking mogelijk
Biman Bangladesh Airlines - luchtvaartmaatschappij van Bangladesh
Air Bengal - geregelde vluchten tussen Dhaka's Tejgaon luchthaven en Barisal.
Treinverbingen tussen Bangladesh en de Indiase Provincies Westbengalen en Assam.
The Bangladesh Railway provides an efficient service to places of interest such as Chittagong, Sylhet, Khulna, Mymensingh, Bogra, Rajshahi, Dinajpur starting from Dhaka. The inter-city Express Service is
available to and from important cities at cheap fares. Zie Bangladesh Railway.
Busvervoer - Bangladesh Road Transport Corporation Grensovergangen tussen Bangladesh en India bestaan uit Benopol (richting Calcutta), Chiliharti [ naar
Darjeeling ] en Tamabil-Dawki [ naar Shillong ].
The landscape of Bangladesh is dominated by about 250 rivers which flow essentially north-sourth. The
alluvial flood plain formed by these rivers covers most of the country. Wherever there is a river and a village,
a launch or steamer will ply for trade. A journey by Rocket Steamer service from Dhaka (Sadarghat) to Khulna, the gateway to Sundarbans is a rewarding experience.
Veerboten / veerschepen varen uit Myanmar en India naar de zuidelijke kustplaatsen v.v.
Kaart van Bangladesh [ Uni Texas - Perry-Castañeda Bibliotheek - Map Collection ]
Links / Verwijzingen
Tourism in Bangladesh
Includes attractions, events, accommodation, entertainment, practical information for visitors, and more
Bangladash Parjatan Corporation - Tourism Development Corporation
Valt onder het Ministerie van Civil Aviation en Tourism
Overheid Bangladash algemeen
President, Prime Minister, Cabinet Members, Constitution, Maps, 21st February, News Papers
Dhaka - hoofdstad van Bangladesh
Motijheel is the main commercial area of the city. Dhaka's major waterfront Sadarghat is on the bank of the
river Buriganga and is crowded with all kinds of rivercraft, yatchs, country boats, motor launches, paddle -
steamers, fishermen's boats all bustling with activity.Colourful rickshaws (tricycle) on the city streets are common attractions for the visitors
Chittagong Division
Chittagong Division. the second most developed division of the four in the country, shares its northern border
with Assam - the tea-growing area - and, to the east, with Burma. It has the distinction of being Bangladesh's
only hilly region with hills ranging from about 800 feet (242 meters) in the north to about 200 feet (60 meters)
in the southern ranges. The narrow coastal strip is crowded in by hills to the east, which is the only region where the land is not fragmented by river deltas
Dhaka Division
Khulna Division The Division of Khulna is considerably influenced by the tributaries of the Ganges, which find their way into
the Bay of Bengal through a vast maze of waterways, making two-thirds of Khulna marshland or dense jungle consisting of mangrove swamps, an absolute haven for wildlife. The great tidal forest of the
Sundarbans , as this lower area is called, an ideal habitat for the Royal Bengal tiger, stretches along the
indented coastline of the Bay of Bengal for about 170 miles (276 km) and in places penetrates up to 80 miles
(128 km) inland from the sea. The heavy mangrove forest floor of the Sunarbans is intersected by shark- infested rivers with their bewildering maze of evershifting tidal tributaries.
Rajshahi - largest Vihara (Buddhist Image House) south of the Himalayas.
The Division of Rajshahi in the northwestern corner of Bangladesh is bordered on the east by the mighty
Jamuna River and the Padma/Ganges River on the south, and shares a disputed border with India to the north
and west, making access to Gaud, one of the most interesting archaeological sites in all of Bengal, almost
impossible. During Partition, the ancient capital of Gaur was split through the middle and now part of it lies in Bangladesh and part in India.
Barisal - stad aan de Kirtan Khola Rivier
With a divisional headquarter, medical college, cadet college, some pharmaceutical industries, textile industries and the Bangladesh Inland Water Transport Authority's head office.
Bogra - Bogra.info
Some pharmaceutical industries, textile, medical college and cantonment with a full division.
Chittagong - second largest city of Bangladesh and a busy international seaport
Its green hills and forests, its broad sandy beaches and its fine cool climate always attract the holiday
-markers. Described by the Chinese traveler poet, Huen Tsang (7th century A.D) as "a sleeping beauty
emerging from mists and water" and given the title of "Porto Grande" by the 16th century Portuguese seafarers.
Besides, the longest sea-beach, Cox's Bazar and its adjoing areas have a lot of things to see and places deserve visit by the tourists.
It has a cantonment with full division, the Bangladesh Rural Academy, a Cadet college, a Medical college and a Education Board.
Cox Bazar [ Baai van Bengalen ]
The main reason to come to Cox's Bazar is to visit the beach. This is the longest and shark-free beach in the
world.... Miles of golden sands, towering cliffs, surfing waves, rare conch shells, colorful pagodas, Buddhist
temples and tribes, delightful sea foods - this is Cox's bazar, the tourist capital of Bangladesh. Having the
world's longest (120 km.) beach slopping gently down to the blue waters of the Bay of Bengal, Cox's Bazar is one of the most attractive tourist spots in the country.
Located at a distance of 152 km. south of Chittagong, the leading seaport of Bangladesh, Cox's Bazar is connected both by air and road from Dhaka and Chittagong.
It has an education Board, a cantonment with a full division, the Bangladesh Air Force Academy with 4th
largest Airport in our country, some jute and textile industries and 8 Daily news papers in both Bangla and English.
Meherpur District town in the West-Central Bangladesh, situated between the Padma(Ganges) and the Jamuna(Brahmaputra).
Natore - an old seat of Maharajas with a beautiful palace
Now serving as the Uttara Ganabhaban (President's Official residence of the northern region). It was residence of the Dighapatiya Raj.
Pabna - Pabna.net
Pabna or Pubna is a district town in the West-Central Bangladesh, situated between the Padma(Ganges) and
the Jamuna(Brahmaputra). Pabna district comprises of ten(10) administrative units called thana or upazilla.
Paharpur - small village 5 km. west of Jamalganj in the greater Rajshahi district
In Paharpur the remains of the most important and the largest known monastery south of the Himalayas have been excavated.
Rajshahi Rajshahi with nearly 0.4 million people and divisional headquarter, university, BIT, medical college, education
board, cadet college and a cantonment ( not full division ) and an airport Although, there are so many
educational institutions and government offices in Rajshahi, it's population is still less than those of the above
mentioned cities of Bangladesh. Rajshahi is called a student city. And it is one of our four metropolitan cities.
Rangamati - located on the western bank of the Kaptai lake
Rangamati is a favourite holiday resort because of its beautiful landscape, scenic beauty, lake, colourful
tribes [ Chakma, Marma, etc. ], its flora and fauna, tribal museum, hanging bridge, homespun textile products, ivory jewellery and the tribal men and women who fashion them.
For tourists the attractions of Rangamati are numerous, tribal life, fishing, speed boat cruising, water skiing, hiking, bathing or merely enjoying nature as it is.
Rajshahi Has seen the most glorious period of Bengal's Paul dynasty. It is famous for pure silk, mango and lichi.
Nestled in the picturesque Surma Valley amidst scenic tea plantations and lush green tropical forests, greater
Sylhet is a prime attraction for all tourists visiting Bangladesh. Laying between the Khasia and the Jaintia hills
on the north, and the Tripura hills on the south, Sylhet breaks the monotony of the flatness of this land by a
multitude of terraced tea gardens, rolling countryside and the exotic flora and fauna. Here the thick tropical
forests abound with many species of wildlife, spread their aroma around the typical hearth and homes of the
Mainpuri Tribal maidens famous for their dance. The Sylhet valley is formed by a beautiful, winding pair of
rivers named the Surma and the Kushiara both of which are fed by innumerable hill streams from the north and the south.
Sylhet has a population of almost 0.7 milliom people and has one medical college, one University, and one
cadet college. It is at present a divisional headquarter and the city of the Mausaleumm of Hazrat Shahajalal(
Rahm ) and the birth place of Bangobir General Mohammed Ataul Gani Osmani, the commander in chief of the
Bangladesh Forces during our liberation war. It has an Army Cantonment ( but not full division ), and the country's 3rd largest airport.
Baai van Bengalen
Dinajpur The northern most district of the country, offers a number of attractions to the visitors. The Ramsagar (great
sea) lake with rest-houses is a good picnic spot having facilities for fishing and rowing in a serene and quiet
green countryside atmosphere. Kantanagar temple, the most ornate among the late medieval temples of Bangladesh is situated near Dinajpur town.
Kaptai Lake - 64 km. from Chittagong A huge expanse of emerald and blue water ringed with tropical forest. It is the famous man-made Kaptai lake
(680 sq. km) formed by damming the Karnaphuli river.
Kuakata is one of the rarest places which has the unique beauty of offering the full view of the rising and
setting of crimson sun in the water of the Bay of Bengal in a calm environment. That perhaps makes kuakata
one of the world's unique beaches. The long and wide beach at Kuakata has a typical natural setting. This
sandy beach has gentle slopes into the Bay of Bengal and bathing there is as pleasant as is walking or diving. .
Mainamati-Lalmai ridge - a range of low hills
An extensive centre of Buddhist culture. On the slopes of these hills lie scattered a treasure of information about the early Buddhist civilization (7th-12th Century A.D.)
Shahjadpur Kuthibari
Carries the memory of the Nobel laurate poet Rabindranath Tagore who made frequent visits to this place
Gokul Medh, a historical relic at Mahasthangarh, Bogra
Nieuws uit Bangladesh - Bangladesh News
Nieuws - The Independent
Cuisine - Bengaalse recepten
Bengaalse keuken Bangladeshi cooking is a culinary art-form. A taste tantalizing blend of wonderful and fragrant spices that will
keep you coming back for more. Many non-Bangladeshis have probably eaten Bangladeshi food without
knowing them. For example, over 80 percent of the "Indian" restaurants in the U.K. serve Bangladeshi food. If you loved it, it was probably Bangladeshi.
Bengali cooking is also known for it's wide array of sweets made from milk. Rasho-gollah, kalo-jam, shandesh, mishti doi, shemai, chamcham ... the names go on and on.
Bengali Cooking - Seasons and Festivals - door Chitrita Banerji, Deborah Madison
A collection of recipes for Bengali cuisine from both Bangladesh and the Indian state of West Bengal. Offers
an insight into the links between food and culture in the region with dishes such as spring onions with shrimps, and coconut and aubergine with tamarind.
Paperback 224 pages (July 2000); Publisher: Serif; Language: English; ISBN: 189795929X
Geschiedenis van Bangladesh
Onafhankelijk van Pakistan op 16 December 1971
De islam werd in de 13e eeuw geïntroduceerd in het gebied van de Bengalen. Het gebied ontwikkelde zich tot een rijk handels- en nijverheidscentrum onder het Mughalrijk tijdens de 16e eeuw.
Geschiedenis van Bangladesh - Wikipedia
Bangladesh History - Wikipedia
Early civilizations, Foreign influence and invasion, Secession from British India and formation of East Pakistan,
Pakistan regime, War of Independence, Prelude to Liberation War, International involvement in the War, Liberation War, Post-independence period
Ethnologisch Museum
This museum located in Agrabad is a treasure-house of a variety of tribal culture and heritage of Bangladesh.
Bengal Borderland - Beyond State and Nation in South Asia - Willem Van Schendel
This title examines borders between India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Burma after Partition in 1947. It explores
this crucial region and how it has been reconfigured over the last half century of social, political and cultural struggle, and looks at how the region has asserted an immense influence.
Paperback 288 pages (March 1, 2005); Publisher: Anthem Press; Language: English; ISBN: 1843311453
Zie Virtual Bangladash
Bangladash National Museum
Muziek, Kunst & Cultuur & Entertainment
Bangladesh has a multifaceted folk heritage enriched by a blend of animist, Buddhist, Hindu and Muslim roots.
Bengali / Bengaalse taal Bengali is één van de talen die wordt gesproken op het Indiase schiereiland, door de bevolking van de
provincie West-Bengalen en in de onafhankelijke staat Bangladesh. Er zijn slechts vijf talen in de hele wereld die meer gesproken worden. Bengali is evenals het Hindi afgeleid van het Sanskriet.
Bengali Phrasebook (Lonely Planet Language Survival Kits S.)
Synopsis : This phrasebook includes practical travel information and covers pertinent phrases on such things
as accommodation, getting around, entertainment, food and health. It also features sections on pronunciation and grammar.
Songs at the River's Edge: Stories from a Bangladeshi Village
Cyrus Vance [ voorwoord ], Katy Gardner Part autobiography, part travelogue, part anthropological study, this is an account of a Western woman living
in a Muslim Bangladeshi village for 18 months. On an anthropological level, it demonstrates the beginnings of
research in someone else's society, on a more general level, it can be read as a novel or a piece of travel
writing. The author writes about the friends she made, the characters she met, the rituals she witnessed,
about Islam as practised in that village, and about women living in Purdah. She describes trying, as a Western woman, to live the life of the village women.
Paperback 192 pages (April 1997); Publisher: Pluto Press Ltd.; Language: English; ISBN: 074531094X
Wikipedia - Music of Bangladesh / Muziek uit Bangla Desh
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