Reizen naar Vancouver - Stedenreis Vancouver.
Hoofdstad Brits-Columbia.
Vancouver behoort tot de belangrijkste havens van de wereld.
Groot-Vancouver [
agglomeratie ] bestaat uit 21 gemeentes : Village of Anmore, Village of Belcarra, Bowen Island Municipality, City of Burnaby, City of Coquitlam, Corporation of Delta, City of Langley, Township of
Langley, Village of Lions Bay, District of Maple Ridge, City of New Westminster, City of North Vancouver, District of North, District of Pitt Meadows, City of Port Coquitlam, City of Port Moody, City of
Richmond, City of Surrey, City of Vancouver, District of West Vancouver, City of White Rock
autoverhuur, hotels, reisbureaus, reisgidsen, reizen naar vancouver
Autoverhuur in Vancouver
Kuoni -
Hotels in Vancouver
[ ebookers ]
Booking - Hotelgids Vancouver Populairste wijken : Davie Village, Gastown, West End, Yaletown en downtown.
Hostels Vancouver / Jeugdherbergen
St. Clair Hotel, 577 Richards St., Vancouver Built in 1911 by Henry Pybus, Captain of the Empress of Japan CanadianPacific Steamships. The hallways
depict pictures of passenger liners - giving the hostel a nautical theme.
Zie verder de pagina hostels
Reisbureaus / Reisorganisatie
BBI Travel -
Canada aanbiedingen, Fly Drive, Camperhuur, Camper rondreizen, Hotelrondreizen, B&B rondreizen, Cabins & chalets rondreis, Cityhotels & Ministays, Sportvisreizen.
KRAS Reizen naar West-Canada
16-daagse fly-drive met hoogtepunten als Vancouver (island), Whistler, Mount Robson, Banff, Okanagan Valley.
- De andere manier van reizen 'De andere manier van reizen' van Djoser is er voor iedereen die veel individuele vrijheid wil combineren met
het gemak van een groepsreis. Djoserreizigers zijn nieuwsgierig naar het dagelijks leven in andere culturen, genieten van eeuwenoude kunstschatten en willen zich laten overrompelen door de schoonheid van
ongerepte natuur.
Reisgidsen / Reisliteratuur
Bruna -
Landkaart - wegenkaart Vancouver Island - ITMB
Plattegrond - Stadsplattegrond Vancouver city map - ITMB
Reisgids 100 % Vancouver - Mo Media
Reisgids Vancouver en de Canadese Rockies | Wat & Hoe
Reisgids Vancouver - Lonely Planet
Reisgids Vancouver - Rough Guide
Reisgids Victoria and Vancouver Island - Moon spotlight
Hiking Vancouver Island: A Guide to Vancouver Island's Greatest Hiking
Wandelgids - Wandelroutes.
Vervoer / Hoe kom ik in Vancouver
Luchthaven van Vancouver - Vancouver Airport
NAV Canada
Flight Operations [ Aviation Weather Web Site, Register to File a Flight Plan Over the Internet [PDF], NOTAM,
Aeronautical Information Products, Operations Report, ANS Programs, Local Area Weather Manuals and more ]
[ ebookers ]
Vancouver City - Municipal Government Vancouver
Located in the southwest corner of Canada in the province of British Columbia. Vancouver is surrounded by water on three sides and overlooked by the Coast Range - mountains. Third largest city of Canada and major
port. As the main western terminus of Canada's transcontinental highway and rail routes, it is the primary city
of western Canada, as well as one of the nation's largest industrial centers. Vancouver is also a major tourist
destination. In addition to the city's scenic location, visitors enjoy beautiful gardens and world-famous Stanley
Park, one of more than 180 city parks, and a combination of natural forest and parklands near the city center. Stanley Park, Chinatown, Gastown and Capilano Suspension Bridge.
Vancouver Island - Tourism Vancouver Island - the Gulf islands
South Island, Southern Gulf Islands, South Central, Central Islands, Pacific Rim, North Central and North Island.
Vancouver Kust en bergen - Coast & Mountains Tourism
This region offers a diverse range of world class cultural, recreational, natural and wildlife attractions year
-round. Our scenic location between ocean and mountains enables a spectacular range of visitor experience,
and we invite you to encounter ALL that Vancouver, Coast & Mountains has to offer. From internationally
acclaimed entertainment and attractions in Greater Vancouver, cycling, hiking or boating on our famed
Sunshine Coast, driving through Sea to Sky Country with its scenes of glacier carved peaks and waterfalls
on your way to Whistler Resort or enjoying the rich history and thrilling adventure of Mighty Fraser Country.
Victoria & Vancouver Island BC
The ocean is integral to life on Vancouver Island and, to truly experience Victoria, getting out on the water is
recommended. Boating, sailing, fishing, canoeing, diving and whale-watching adventures abound. Exploring
on the island is also a must and numerous tours and educational vacations are available. Whether exploring
on foot, bicycle, horseback, scooter, motorcycle, bus, rail, plane,ferry or specialty car tours, visitors to Victoria and the Islands experience scenic beauty and charm that are always in season.
Vancouver Island: most popular attractions, wetter, maps, transport, tours, pictures and the history of rhe island. Also hotels, motels en bed & breakfast.
De stad Vancouver heeft één van de meest spectaculaire aquaria ter wereld, met een groot aantal witte dolfijnen, exotische vissen, en gigantische zeesterren.
Capilano Suspension Bridge - Vancouver's most popular tourist attraction
Your pulse quickens as you step onto the swaying planks of Vancouver's most popular visitor attraction.
Breathe in the cedar-scented rainforest air, as mists drift through the canyon below and you make your way
across Vancouver's most famous landmark. Pause and marvel at this feat of engineering, surrounded by 300
year old west coast rain forest. No visit to Vancouver is complete without a stop at Capilano Suspension Bridge.
Grouse Mountain
One of Greater Vancouver's best vantage points and most popular attractions, the North Shore's Grouse
Mountain provides a stunning view for skiers and tourists. Visitors are able to take the Skyride to the Peak Chalet and enjoy casual or fine dining cuisine.
Geschiedenis Vancouver
De kustlijn die tegenwoordig Point Grey heet, werd als eerst verkend door de Spanjaard José María Narváez. De stad is vernoemd naar de Engelse kapitein George Vancouver.
Geschiedenis van Vancouver - zie History of Vancouver
Tijdlijn geschiedenis Vancouver - Timeline Vancouver History Vancouver tijdlijn vanaf de 18e eeuw tot heden.
Geschiedenis van stedelijk Vancouver - Vancouverhistory.ca
Vancouver Maritime Museum
scheepvaartmuseum met als hoogtepunt de "St. Roch", een historisch arctisch ontdekkingschip.
Muziek, Kunst & Cultuur, Evenementen
Vancouver Art Gallery
Heeft een permanente collectie met meer dan 7,900 items waaronder een groot aantal werken van de beroemde Emily Carr.
Antropologisch Museum [ Universiteit van British Columbia ]
Grootste van Canada, en bevat een enorm aantal objecten van de "Native Americans", de oorspronkelijke bewoners van British Columbia.
Fringe Festival
Vancouver International Film Festival