Vakantie in Jemen - Reisinformatie Jemen.
Republiek Jemen - Al Jumhuriyah al Yamaniyah of verkort: Al Yaman
Het vroegere Arabia Felix, waar de tijd lijkt te hebben stilgestaan, ligt zuidelijk van Saoedië Arabië en is voor het toerisme nog een onontgonnen terrein
Governorates [ muhafazat ]: Abyan, Aden, Al Bayda, Al Hudaydah, Al Jawf, Al Mahrah, Al
Mahwit, Ataq, Dhamar, Hadhramaut, Hajjah, Ibb, Lahij, Ma'rib, Sa'dah, San'a', Ta'izz
Hoofdstad van Jemen: Sanaa
hotels, reisbureaus, reisgidsen, reizen naar jemen
Hotels in Jemen
Reisbureau / Reisorganisaties
Koning Aap Reizen -
Betoverend Jemen
Eén van de meest betoverende landen van het Midden-Oosten is Jemen. Een land waar het vaak lijkt of de tijd heeft stil gestaan. Je reist met landcruisers door adembenemende berg- en woestijnlandschappen vol karakteristieke steden en bergdorpen. De lokale bevolking, voor een groot deel bedoeïenen, is buitengewoon
gastvrij. Je voelt je hier echt in een andere wereld, ook al omdat de invloeden vanuit India en Afrika bijna tastbaar zijn.
AYTTA - Jemenitische vereniging van toeristenbureaus / reisbureaus
Reisgidsen Jemen / Reisliteratuur
Bruna -
Landkaart - wegenkaart Jemen Yemen ITMB. Landkaart - wegenkaart Jemen Reise Know How. Reise Know How Reisgids Jemen Reisgids Yemen - Jemen - Bradt Guide
Reisverhaal Jemen - Yemen - Travels in Dictionary Land
Jemen - F. Eyck
Jemen herbergt een van de oudste culturen ter wereld. Samen met het landschap - uiteenlopend van tropische bossen en hooglanden tot woestijnen - is vooral de
architectuur de grote trekpleister in Jemen. De gebouwen zijn in volmaakte harmonie met hun omgeving gebouwd, de kleur komt overeen met het landschap
doordat men het materiaal gebruikt dat uit diezelfde omgeving komt. Sana's de hoofdstad van Noord - Jemen, wordt wel beschouwd als het grootste openlucht museum van de Arabische wereld.
Vervoer / Hoe reis ik naar Jemen
Luchthaven Sanaa - Sana'a International Airport / El Rahaba Airport [ SAH, OYSN ]
Luchthaven van Aden [ ADE ]
Alle luchthavens in Jemen? Zie http://airport.u.nu/browse-ye
Losse vliegtickets Jemen / goedkoop vliegen naar Jemen Diverse aanbieders.
Links / Verwijzingen
Na de cursus leg je gemakkelijker contact met Arabieren en ben je in staat een gesprekje te voeren. Verder leer je het Arabisch zodanig verstaan dat je programma's op radio en tv aardig kunt volgen.
Ambassade van Jemen, Surinamestraat 9, Den Haag, tel.: 070 - 365 3936
Botschaft der Republik Jemen - veel links
A.o. Museum, Al-Mahweet, Tarim, Socotra, Shibam Hadramout, The main tourist regions in Yemen, Islamic
Archeology in Aden, The Ancient Art of Architecture in Yemen, Jibla, Kukaban, Sana'a Markets, Arab cities of
Yemen's originality, Socotra: The Forgotten Diamond of Yemen, The historical value of ancient Yemen's art Overheid van Jemen - Government of Jemen - arabisch
Sanaa - Hoofdstad van Jemen
Noord-Jemen - voor de eenwording
After the Turkish withdrawal in 1918, North Yemen became a sovereign monarchy, ruled by the Zaydi Imam
Yahya Hameed Addin . In an effort to protect his country against harmful foreign influence , he pursued a
closed-door policy, thereby depriving his subjects of any chances of development. The resistance movement
of the "Free Yemenis" operating from Aden instigated the assassination of the Imam in the revolution of 1948 .
However , within a week, his son Ahmed had regained power over the country with the help of the Northern
tribes. Reigning from Taiz, he exactly followed the line of his father's outdated, despotic style of government.
When Imam Ahmed died in 1962 of wounds inflicted upon him in various assassination attempts, his son Al
-Badr took power, Al-Badr supported the revolutionary forces during his father's regime, but when he gained
power he turned against the revolutionary forces and swore that he would follow his father's line. This forced the revolutionaries to fight , and on 26th Sep.
1962 the revolutionary forces led by Colonel Abdullah Al-Salal proclaimed the Yemen Arab Republic with
Sallal as its first President. Imam Al-Bader had escaped to the north and started a civil war with help of the
tribes loyal to him, and support from Sudi Arabia. Egyptian troops came to support of the republicans, while
the royalists were backed by Saudi Arabia . The struggle of Yemenis to defend the republican system lasted until the great victory after the Seventy Days siege of Sana'a city in 1968. Zuid-Jemen / Aden
Aden kreeg de status van Britse Kroonkolonie in 1937, terwijl de rest van het Zuid-Jemenitische gebied het predikaat Aden Protectoraat kreeg als gevolg van een vredesakkoord met zo'n 1300 stamhoofden.
Abyan Aden [ muhafazah ] Al Bayda Al Hudaydah
Al Jawf Al Mahrah Al Mahwit Ataq Dhamar Hadhramaut Hajjah Ibb Lahij Ma'rib Sa'dah San'a'
Jabel al-Tahir [ Vogelberg ] - vulkaaneiland in de Rode Zee
Geen inwoners. Wel een militaire basis van waaruit passerende vrachtschepen worden gecontroleerd. Zie Jabal al-Tair Island of de pagina bij het Global Volcanism Program. Wadi Dhahar Wadi Sera Woestijn van het Lege Kwartier
Aden - stad Amran - voornamelijk uit klei opgetrokken Baraqish - vestingstad met 14 hoge muren Hajjarain Hodeiha - Havenstad aan de Rode Zee Kawkaban - plaatsje op een 2600 meter hoge klif Ma'rib - woestijnstad Manaka - mysterieus plaatsje met smalle straatjes Shibam [ het Manhatten van de woestijn ?? ] Seyun - verborgen tuinen
Arabia Felix / Handelsroute
The Greeks and Romans called the southern part of the peninsula "Arabia Felix", glorified by the fabulous
wealth supposedly enjoyed by its inhabitants. Since the domestication of the camel (around 1500 B.C.) large
Sabaean caravans moved north along the edge of the desert , covering in 60 - 70 days the distance from
Qana on the Indian ocean to Ghaza on the Mediterranean sea. The trade route, which was protected by the kingdoms along the way, became famous as the "Gold and Incense Road". Jimbaya [ kromvormige dolk ] Koningin van Sheba
The most prominent and celebrated figure of Yemen's ancient history is the legendary Queen of Sheba
(named Bilqis in the Arabic Tradition) , who visited King Solomon during the 10th century B.C. bringing with
her a large retinue and an abundance of gold and spices . Challenging Solomon with riddles, she eventually
had to capitulate to his wisdom and accept his God . This exotic story has sparked the imagination of
countless generations and has found entry into three Holy Books: the Bible the Ethiopian Kebra Nagast and the Holy Koran. Koninkrijk van Saba The ancient South Arabian Kingdoms which started out as theocracies, all developed in the mouths of large
wadis between the mountains and the great desert . The kingdom of Saba with its capital at Marib was the most powerfull, at times dominating all of South Arabia. Noord-Jemen Qat kauwen Wierook
Incense was an item of high prestige, burnt in large quantities in the temples of the Mediterranean civilizations. It grows naturally only in the lower Hadhramaut. Zie Arabia Felix
Cuisine - Jemenitische keuken
Culinair - arabische recepten
Geschiedenis van Jemen
Onafhankelijk op 22 mei 1990
Republic of Yemen was established on 22 May 1990 with the merger of the Yemen Arab Republic {Yemen
(Sanaa) or North Yemen} and the Marxist-dominated People's Democratic Republic of Yemen {Yemen (Aden)
or South Yemen}; previously North Yemen had become independent on NA November 1918 (from the Ottoman Empire) and South Yemen had become independent on 30 November 1967 (from the UK)
Geschiedenis van Jemen - Yemen's Histor Ancient history [ Persian period ], Medieval history, Modern History [ Former North Yemen, Former South
Yemen, Republic of Yemen ]
A History of Modern Yemen - Paul Dresch
To the outside world, Yemen is famous for its beautiful landscapes and architecture. However, as Paul
Dresch demonstrates, Yemen's modern history is unique and deserves to be better understood. While the
borders of most Middle East states were defined by colonial powers after the collapse of the Ottoman Empire,
a single Yemeni state was not formed until 1990. In fact, much of Yemen's twentieth-century history was
taken up constructing such a state, forged after years of civil war between the North and the South. The
story is a complex one, but the author handles it masterfully, employing his skills as an anthropologist to re
-enact the experiences of those involved through personal encounters and a first-hand knowledge of the
region. The narrative is fast-moving and interactive, introducing the non-expert painlessly and pleasurably to a
little-known slice of Arab history. Conversely, the expert will find much that is new on every page.
Paperback 304 pages (December 7, 2000); Publisher: Cambridge University Press; Language: English; ISBN: 052179482X
Muziek, Cultuur & Evenementen
Music of Yemen [ Wikipedia ] - muziek uit Jemen
Musical Anthology of Arabian Peninsula, Vol. 3
Wil je een liedje horen, klik van op 'song titles. Audio CD (December 12, 1995); Label: Gallo; ASIN: B000004A2E
Recente reisadviezen [ zie pagina reisadvies ]