Vakantie in Koeweit - Reisinformatie Koeweit
Staat Koeweit - Dawlat al Kuwayt - Constitutionele monarchie
Koeweit is een kleine olierijk staatje op het Arabisch schiereiland aan de kust van de Perzische Golf, grenzend
aan Saoedi-Arabië in het zuiden en Irak in het noorden.
Governorates in Kuweit [ muhafazat ]: Al Ahmadi, Al Jahrah, Al Kuwayt, Hawalli, Al Farwaniyah
Hoofdstad van Kuweit : Koeweit Stad
autoverhuur, hotels, reisbureaus, reisgidsen, reizen naar kuweit
e-sixt -
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Hotels in Koeweit
[ ebookers ] - Hotels in Kuweit - Kuwait City
. Hotels zoeken en boeken via Booking Bookings is een Nederlands online hotelreserveringsbedrijf
Reisbureau / Aanbiedingen
Kuweit wordt vaak als stopover gebruikt bij een lange reis naar Azië of het Verre Oosten om te shoppen [ het is een paradijs voor shoppers ].
KuwaitAirtours.com = Aytour uit Starnberg in Duitsland
Reisgidsen Kuweit / Reisliteratuur
Bruna -
Marco Polo reisgids Qatar, Bahrain, Kuwait - Koeweit. De Golf - Lieve Joris Reisverhaal Saoedi-Arabië, Emraten, Bahrein & Koeweit Landkaart - Wegenkaart - Autokaart
Verenigde Arabische Emiraten - Persische Golf - Koeweit - Oman Uitgegeven door Freytag & Berndt. Wegenkaart - landkaart Koeweit - Kuwait and Kuwait City ITMB.
Slag om Kuweit - Joost van der Meer
Vervoer / Hoe kom ik in Kuweit
Luchthaven van Kuweit
Vliegtickets Koeweit / goedkoop vliegen naar Koeweit
Diverse aanbieders, prijsvergelijking vliegtickets Koeweit mogelijk.
- Vliegtickets naar Koeweit
Kuwait Airways
Koeweitse luchtvaartmaatschappij. Vliegt o.a. vanaf Brussel en Frankfurt
Kuwait Public Transport Company [ openbaar vervoer Kuweit ]
Kuwait GIS Maps - kaarten van Kuweit
Online kaart van Kuweit [ Uni Texas - Perry-Castañeda Library - Map Collection ]
Links / Verwijzingen
Na de cursus leg je gemakkelijker contact met Arabieren en ben je in staat een gesprekje te voeren. Verder leer je het Arabisch zodanig verstaan dat je programma's op radio en tv aardig kunt volgen.
Kuwait Information Office - allerhande info - uitgebreide link-pagina
Kuweit Stad - Hoofdstad van Koeweit
Wellicht het drukste financiële en handelscentrum van het Midden-Oosten
Al Ahmadi [ muhafazah ] Al Jahrah Al Kuwayt Hawalli Al Farwaniyah
Safat Salwa
Bayt Al-Badr
An old house located next to Al-Sadu house, Bayt Al-Badr was built between 1838 and 1848. It possesses a
fine example of the famous front doors of old Kuwait. Local handicrafts are sometimes displayed here. Liberation Tower
The symbol of Kuwaiti liberation, the unmistakable sign of the country's resurgence, the Liberation Tower is one of the tallest telecommunications towers in the world. Parelduiken - Parelduiken
Pearls (dana), not oil, once formed the basis of Kuwait's wealth. Now, annual pearl diving festivals help
today's generation experience the excitement and hardship that their forefathers faced. Such festivals are a tribute to men who dedicated their lives to the pearling industry. Vissen
Besides zubaidi and hamout, fish of almost every conceivable shape and variety in the waters off Kuwait are
there for the taking. The range of fish includes six different types of shark, two types of barracuda, stinging
and non-stinging ray fish, four varieties of mackerel and tuna, and an array of soles, breams, snappers, rock
and cat fish, flounders, cobias, puffers and needlefish. You can go fishing with sophisticated long casting
rods, from prominent rocks and the ends of piers using simple poles, lines and hooks or wire baskets to catch
fry from the water off the beaches using nets held by several persons, from boats using trawls and multi
-hooked lines. Many of the experts use home-made equipment. Both simple and sophisticated fishing tackle is available in the shops. Zeilen
Kuwait is a sailor's paradise. The seas offshore is seldom really rough, but there is nearly always a moderate
breeze. Boats range from small sailing dinghies to large yachts. The Yatch Club has a marina with 300 fully
serviced berths. Many of the sea clubs have marinas and organise sailing activities. The Kuwait Offshore Sailing Association organises races, including one from Kuwait to Bahrain.
Cuisine - Koeweitse keuken
Cooking of the Gulf: Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates
Tess Mallos Even the most serious and well-travelled of cooks would be amazed at the vast array of spices and fresh
ingredients available in the markets of the Gulf States. The arid landscape of the region contrasts remarkably
with the abundance of food and flavours. Cooking of the Gulf enables you to bring these unique flavours into
your kitchen. With easy-to-prepare recipes, you will be able to delight family and friends with the aromatic flavours of Arabic cooking.
Paperback 64 pages (May 1, 2004); Publisher: Parkway Publishing; Language: English; ISBN: 1898259062 Culinair - arabische recepten
Geschiedenis van Kuweit
Archaeological finds on Failaka, the largest of Kuwait's nine islands, suggests it was a trading post at the time
of the ancient Sumerians. Failaka appears to have continued to serve as a market for approximately 2,000
years, and was known to the ancient Greeks. Despite its long history as a market and sanctuary for traders,
Failaka appears to have been abandoned as a permanent settlement in the 1st century A.D. Kuwait's modern
history began in the 18th century with the founding of the city of Kuwait by the Uteiba, a subsection of the Anaiza tribe, who are believed to have traveled north from Qatar.
Onafhankelijk van Groot-Brittannië op 19 juni 1961
Kuwait's History - Wikipedia
Ancient History of Kuwait [ The Anazia, The al-Jalahimas, al-Khalifas, and al-Sabahs ], The British Empire, The
Assassination of Muhammad bin Sabah, Mubarak the Great, The Anglo-Ottoman Convention, The Border War with Nejd, The Uqair Protocol, Conflict with Iraq, and more. Kuwait: The Growth of a Historic Identity - B.J. Slot (Editor)
The Iraqi invasion of Kuwait in 1990 - 1 placed the questions of Kuwait's origins and statehood under the
spotlight as never before, making them a matter of pressing concern both for the Kuwaitis themselves and for
the world at large. During the 1990s a great deal of scholarly effort has been focused on the particular
circumstances of Kuwait's emergence as a state, and as a result much new material has been brought to
light. This series of papers, presented at Peterhouse College, Cambridge, on 19 May 1995 by five leading
scholars in the field, explores the historical, political and social processes which governed the birth, survival, prosperity and ultimate sovereignty of this unique Arab maritime polity.
Hardcover 144 pages (October 1, 2002); Publisher: Arabian Publishing Ltd.; Language: English; ISBN: 0954479211 KuwaitPast.com - era, rulers and gates Mubarak Al-Sabah: Founder of Modern Kuwait, 1896-1915 - Ben J. Slot, William Facey (Editor)
Hardcover 484 pages (December 1, 2005); Publisher: Arabian Publishing Ltd. ; Language: English; ISBN: 0954479246 The Ottoman Gulf: The Creation of Kuwait, Saudi Arabia and Qatar, 1870-1914
Frederick F. Anscombe Aiming to dispel the notion that Britain is exclusively responsible for the formation of the Persian Gulf's modern
states, this text puts into perspective the central roles played by the Ottoman empire and explains the reasons behind the Ottoman occupation of the Persian Gulf in 1871.
Paperback 288 pages (January 1998); Publisher: Columbia University Press; Language: English; ISBN: 0231108397 Nationaal Museum van Koeweit
Sadu House
Tareq Rajab Museum
Muziek, Cultuur & Entertainment
Music of Kuwait
Kuwait is known as the center for sawt, a bluesy style of music. Traditional Kuwaiti music is mostly performed by women in private.